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Baptist Without An Adjective

Mar 27, 2019

Pam Durso, executive director of Baptist Women in Ministry, talks with Word&Way Editor & President Brian Kaylor. She discusses the work of BWIM and her background as a historian. She also talks about BWIM's resources on sexual abuse in churches and why churches need to address the topic. 

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Mar 19, 2019

Jesus Garcia, pastor at Iglesia Bautista de Metrópolis in Carolina, Puerto Rico, talks with Word&Way Editor & President Brian Kaylor. He discusses Baptists in Puerto Rico and the continuing efforts to rebuild from Hurricane Maria in 2017. He also talks about being dually-aligned with American Baptist Churches USA and...

Mar 12, 2019

Marv Knox, field coordinator for Fellowship Southwest, talks with Word&Way Editor & President Brian Kaylor. He discusses the work of Fellowship Southwest in areas of immigration and hurricane response. A longtime Baptist editor, he also talks about the importance of Baptist journalism and press freedoms.

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Mar 5, 2019

In this episode, Word&Way Editor & President Brian Kaylor reports on a U.S. Supreme Court case involving a debate about the religious meaning of a cross on government land. The episode includes clips from the Court's oral arguments in the case, as well as comments by Holly Hollman, general counsel for the Baptist Joint...

Mar 1, 2019

This bonus episode features a sermon by Lance Muteyo, coordinator of the Pan African Peace Network, given at Prairie Baptist Church in Prairie Village, Kan. Hear Muteyo's interview with Word&Way Editor & President Brian Kaylor in episode...